NSI is the central executive body of production and dissemination of official statistics within the National Statistical System, with technically independent authority with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, in accordance with its statutes.
Oversight over NSI is exercised by the Prime Minister with the power to delegate to a minister responsible for:
a) To approve the multiannual and annual plans of NSI activities and corresponding budgets, as well as their activity reports and accounts;
b) To authorize the signing of cooperation agreements and / or financing agreements, externally;
c) To authorize the creation of geographically dispersed NSI delegations;
d) Other acts stated in the present law and the NSI's statutes to be adopted in accordance with Article 28. -
1. The NSI is engaged in the exercise of design functions, collection, processing, compilation, analysis, dissemination and coordination of official statistical data of interest to the country.
2. NSI is entrusted with the production and dissemination of official statistics of national interest:
a) Approved by the Government through work programs that the NSI would submit, accompanied by the corresponding budgets and the opinion of CNEST;
b) That will allow, in terms of costs, to cope with other needs of users, public or private, national, foreign or international, without prejudice to the continuation of the tasks referred to in the previous paragraph.
3. INE, as the central executive body of the SEN ensures the provision of official statistical information to international organizations of which Cabo Verde is member state, as well as instances of bilateral cooperation.
4. The NSI may delegate the tasks referred to in point:
a) The number 2 in other public services, which are designated INE Delegates bodies, in accordance with Article 30º and 31º.
5. The NSI shall promote the holding of vocational training courses for SEM staff at deepening their specialization.
6. The NSI should promote the international cooperation in the fields of training and technical assistance, particularly with Portuguese-speaking countries and the
United Nations, the European Union and with integration and cooperation organizations, regional and sub regional.
7. NSI should promote biennially the holding of a national Statistic conference.
8. As part of its duties, the NSI can be a member of non-profit associations, national, foreign or international, which pursue statistical purposes.
Duties in Official Statistics
1. For the production of official statistics within the SEN, the Bank of Cabo Verde an d ahas the competence to centralize and prepare the monetary, financial, foreign exchange and balance of payments statistics.
2. The NSI and BCV will establish the rules of coordination between the two institutions to ensure:
a) The methodological integration of the calculation of the financial components of the national accounts, the competence of the BCV, in the calculation of national accounts, the competence of the NSI;
b) The exchange of statistical micro and macro data necessary for the production of official statistics of each of the institutions listed in the annual and multi-annual programs of statistical activities of the NSI, including macroeconomic forecasts made by the BCV, in compliance with this law in general and the principle of statistical confidentiality, in accordance with articles 10º, 13º and 14º.